
We Share the Same Sky looks at migration and the world of work in the context of the global recession. Using video interviews, digital media and new music and song, it entwines the stories of three visitors to Britain:

  • Ali from Afghanistan, who fled the Taliban and came to England in search of safety.
  • Natalya from Poland, where unemployment had been spiralling, came to England in search of work.
  • Edenis from Venezuela, who compares life in Britain with the popular revolutionary changes taking place in his home country.

The show weaves these stories into a rich tableau and asks what control we have over our working lives in the crisis-ridden 21st-century global economy, and whether the economic downturn that now threatens heralds a new period of struggle, resistance and change.

Funding for the show was from the Academy for Community Leadership, the Amiel & Melburn Trust, Arts Council England West Midlands, Birmingham City Council, the Communication Workers Union, the Fire Brigades Union, the Sir Barry Jackson Trust, Unison, the Unity Theatre Trust and Urban Living.