A stirring, stomping, roaring celebration of grassroots resistance to those who plot to tear apart our welfare state, rip up our environmental protections and impose ever more draconian neoliberal misery on millions!

In the wake of the huge success of Labour’s election campaign, which focused on hope and an end to austerity, Rise, Like Lions! weaves inspirational stories of workers in struggle with music, song and video.

The show exposes a 30-year plot to privatise the NHS and stages the fight to keep it in public hands. It dramatises the successful strikes of teaching support staff in Derby and Durham, and captures the spirit and defiance of the anti-fracking campaigners at the Preston New Road site in Lancashire.

With its thundering mix of folk, reggae and ska, Rise, Like Lions! brings you songs, stories and video scoops from the frontline of the class war. So, switch off the fake news and tune in to the real news from Banner Theatre!

Produced with financial support from NEU (NUT), UNISON, Unite, USDAW, and the PCS.


1 Rise Like Lions front